September 21, 2017

Whereas God commanded Moses to set aside cities and places of refuge in Canaan, where the persecuted could seek asylum (Leviticus 19:9-10);

Whereas Mosaic law contained extensive provisions mandating care for the alien and poor, even granting them legal rights, a provision which is not found to such an extent in any other culture of that time (Deuteronomy 24:12-15);

Whereas Jesus, our model for ministry at the Bread of Healing Clinic, commanded his disciples to welcome the despised stranger and extend hospitality to the outcast (Luke 10:25-37) without question or condition;

Whereas the ancient traditions of our faiths recognized houses of worship as a refuge for the runaway slave, the conscientious objector, and the Central American refugee fleeing their countries’ civil wars of the 1980s; 

Whereas the politics of fear seems to have contributed to an atmosphere of racism and xenophobia across the country, and current policies pledge to criminalize, detain and deport undocumented people that will tear families and communities apart;

Whereas hospitality does not belong solely to ambassadors or generals or Presidents, but to compassionate people everywhere;

Therefore, as people of faith and people of conscience, we at the Bread of Healing Clinic stand in solidarity with all immigrants and marginalized communities in Milwaukee;  

We recognize, embrace, and affirm all persons, regardless of country of origin, as members of the family of God and welcomed patients into our clinics, who will be served without question and without condition;

We believe it is our moral obligation to embody the principles of human rights and dignity, and resist any harmful and unjust policy proposals that further undermine due process and lead to racial profiling and discrimination.  We will protect our patients’ information and physical well-being to the best of our ability.  

We are dedicated to educate ourselves and to speak out against the discrimination of any and all marginalized people. We are ready to open the doors of our sacred spaces and stand with those facing deportation and discrimination.  ICE will not be granted access to either our patients or their information, both of which we hold in sacred trust.  We will create holy ground, where God moves, in these places where we work and among these neighbors we serve.